New Year Resolutions, How To Make em Stick

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new year resolutions
The last year has flown by!
It is that time of the year when we think of the future, the New Year is upon us now. With every good intention in mind, this year too, we will make New Year Resolutions: 
  1. Lose 5 kg’s
  2. Stop smoking
  3. Get a promotion
  4. Clean the house
  5. Go on a jog
  6. Fly down to say hi to Mum and Dad

The list is endless….. yet totally breakable by ‘week one’ of the new year.
Now that is very motivating you would say!
A couple of years ago when new year resolutions seemed not to be working, I asked myself am I going about it right. After a lot of study and thought, I came up with a formula for myself and I am sharing it with you here.

The ‘I’ Factor 

‘I’ will always come first when it is time to make the resolutions. So I ask myself the big question of what would I do out of love for myself.
What is it that matters?
On the health front, for instance, do I love my body, am I willing to give up chocolates so that I lose 5 kgs.
The trick is not putting a time frame to it, but a reason.
For instance, if high blood pressure is worrying you. If you want to change that with exercise, then exercising every day is top of your new year resolution.
This becomes your ‘reason’ for doing it – and it is a better self.

New Year Resolutions – The  Loved Ones 

The second factor to be considered while framing your resolutions is your loved ones.
Do you want to spend more time with your spouse?
There may not be time to fit in everything. However, the resolution, in this case, will be to carve out a certain measure of time and spend it with family. Or, a vacation you have been promising your daughter for a while now.
Plan and firm up the trip now and block the dates so that you make sure the holiday with her will not get cancelled. Give more time, energy and love to those around you and you will never regret it.

Areas of Improvement at Work

Money makes the mare go, therefore the work sphere is important too.
So the third factor to be considered while making your resolutions is work! 
Take a good hard look at the work areas you can improve upon.
Are there new goals to be set here? 
Is there a raise you can aim for?
What about a new skill you can pick up during the year that will better your prospects?

How is the finance department faring? Do you need to earn more if so set your goal according to the money you need to earn and put a plan in place as to how you will earn it?

10 Money Affirmations to turn you into a Money Magnet

Remember only frame new year resolutions that will make you happy and keep you committed to the goal. The resolution must be important and you must have the will to make the change. Until and unless we see importance and value in a goal we will never be committed to it.
Make this your guiding principle for all new year resolutions and you will never go wrong.
Love, light and resolutions you can keep, be yours in the new year!


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