How to fix Positive Affirmations that don’t work

Powerful positive affirmations don’t work sometimes why Picture this: It is the night before my big interview there are knots in my stomach my lips are parched and if anxiety could be measured it would be 90 %. What am I going to be asked can I read up some more is there going to […]
Love is

How to love unconditionally When I was a kid I used to see these cute cartoons of a boy and a girl that was titled ‘love is’ – other than finding them cute they meant little to me. Now as I matured like fine wine. The four-letter word means a whole lot more to me […]
How do I deal with Risk and Uncertainty?

The difference between Risk and Uncertainty is what we should understand before we talk about how to deal with them. Risk is known and unknown both. Uncertainty is unknown and only unknown Thus, calculate your risk, believe in yourself and face uncertainty with faith. For every single situation in life, the risk is a factor […]
5 simple habits for the New Year

Follow these simple habits for the New Year, resolutions that you can stick to Before you know it another filled to the brim year has passed us by. With each passing year my, life seems to fill up a little more. More attractions and distractions, more bills to pay more loans to repay more work […]
New Year Resolutions, How To Make em Stick

The last year has flown by! It is that time of the year when we think of the future, the New Year is upon us now. With every good intention in mind, this year too, we will make New Year Resolutions: Lose 5 kg’s Stop smoking Get a promotion Clean the house Go on […]
My Way-to success

How to build a my way to success attitude I’ve lived a life that’s full. I’ve travelled each and every highway, And more, much more than this, I did it My Way. Lines from song ‘My Way’ by Frank Sinatra
Negative Thoughts Deal and Turn them into Positive Thoughts

“The truth is that stress doesn’t come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your negative thoughts about these circumstances.” Andrew Bernstein
Messed up? Time to move on

messed up move on with confidence self-esteem Messed up move on with confidence self-esteem For a long time now I have liked the word perfectionist and have tried very hard to achieve that badge many a time. Truthfully in the past I have gone about tasks in a manner that prompted those around me […]
Mindfulness at Work

Great tips for complete mindfulness at work We all trooped out to work this morning in auto pilot. Out of bed into breakfast, out of breakfast into our commute, out of the commute and in to work. You could say its clockwork and you can now with so many years of experience perform most of […]
To Love, lead and look after

5 rules to good parenting I will at the beginning admit that I have grown up while raising my daughter, parenting has taught me a lot, but today I believe that my daughter has learnt a lot for me, from love and from example. So here are the 5 do’s of good parenting as I see […]