5 simple habits for the New Year

blog-simple habits for the New Year
blog-simple habits for the New Year
blog-simple habits for the New Year

Follow these simple habits for the New Year, resolutions  that you can stick to

Before you know it another filled to the brim year has passed us by. With each passing year my, life seems to fill up a little more. More attractions and distractions, more bills to pay more loans to repay more work to be done more. The New Year as far as I can see is more of the same, and so one day a couple of years ago I sat down and asked myself the all important question.

How much more can I take with me into the next year is there a way of making the next year attractive to live in. The answer came to me in a milk advertisement tag line slim and simple yes that is it. To make it even simpler for you I have broken it down further into 5 simple habits  fro the New Year to put in place. This  because  I feel habits are for the forming resolutions they are there to be broken.
Choose what is Important
Of all the million things that surround you what are the most important 5 things/ tasks you must achieve in the next year. Make a list, strike the not so important ones off till you are left with the top 5, write these down and all tasks associated with achieving them. Slim it down, keep it as simple as possible. Pin the list up where you can see it. Remember this could be a set of things that you carry forward from the current year or brand new items that you wish to put in place next year.
It could be anything  from a loan you want to repay or a holiday you want to take, it should be achieveable. Why five , because otherwise I feel it gets crowded at the top. That is your list of simple habits for the New Year, nothing more nothing less.
Be aware
Ok so you have set your list up how do you plan to achieve it? First set you mind to being present in the moment. It becomes easier once you have identified the 5 important things list. You do not have to multitask all the time. Become mindful and aware of the task at hand the moment you are in. Each time your attention drifts, bring it back to present. It will make life simpler and your current task more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Quit rushing
Part of being mindful and in the present moment is that you need to slow down. You have already rushed thru life to reach the present, and I am sure like me it has been one rat race, moving from task to task whattsapp to sms to email, time to jump off the cycle. Try it and you will see that in reality you achieve much more and what is not done was not really important. Life did not stop.
NO Extra Commitments
Now that you have identified what is important, start saying NO to things that are not on your list. Remember they stand in the way of what is important to you and if they were really important they would be on the 5 things list. Say no to any other commitment even ones you have made during this year if it is not on the top 5 list of simple habits for  the new year.
Gift yourself time
Promise me and this is really important, that you will gift yourself time in the next year. Time for yourself, time where at leasure you do what you and your soul really wants. Read a book, listen o your favourite music, take a walk, climb a hill or just sit  out and watch the stars. Gift yourself time this is important because more of our adult lives is spent living it for others. It is about time you took a slice for yourself. It will bring you peace and happiness and health too.If you can learn one new thing this year a language an instrument a recipe whatever you do, do it gift yourself time.
Put these simple habits in place be aware of yourself monitor your progress if need be  get up and begin again if you fall off along the way. Remember to keep it slim and  follow these simple habits for the New Year.
Love, light, peace, health and happiness to you now and always.


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