Inspirational Quotes by Ritu Jain-1

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Inspirational quotes are of great value when you are going through that difficult life phase where you want to cling to one ‘saying’ or ‘thought’ like the last straw.

I started noting down inspirational quotes way back in the 80s when I was a teenager, writing every inspiring line I read, in a grey coloured diary which I still keep tucked in my box of prized possessions.

Top quotes by great poets, artists, sports personnel,  leaders, scientists and actors have found a place on famous museum walls, office facade and social media pages.

So much so, that quotes have become an identity for some great people we have known. Read the collection of Top Quotes by Mohammad Ali the famous boxer.  Be it love quotes, friendship quotes, quotes about letting go, quotes by famous people – all have been life changing for me and millions around the world.

I began writing inspirational quotes when I started my journey of mindfulness. This is when I started applying the power of my subconscious mind in my everyday life.

Ever since then, I have never looked back!

Other than looking back at my favourite quotes that keep changing their meaning every time I read them again.

I have for all of you lovely people out there, a selection of my life experiences in the form of inspirational quotes.

I was inspired to write them when I realised how we as normal human beings have the innate power to choose our thoughts. You and I can decide what we choose to think about everyone including ourselves as well as our circumstances. Our thoughts are the single most powerful phenomenon that can decide our forthcoming path in life.

You and I can decide what we choose to think about everyone including ourselves as well as our circumstances. Our thoughts are the single most powerful phenomenon that can decide our forthcoming path in life.

I love inspirational quotes because they help me reunite with who ‘I AM!’ 

If you ever feel low or uneasy or feel your spirits sinking just keep some words of inspiration handy and see how they have the power to uplift you and boost your morale.

1. Begin COMPASSION with  Self, It is Life Changing 

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2. Let your WORDS do the talking, for VOICES often make a Noise

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3. Love your DECISIONS more, than your need for OTHERS to love them

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4. Patience is an ATTITUDE, practising it is an ART

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5. Learn from the TREES, how beautifully they LET GO

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6. You will LEARN, As soon as your SOUL is prepared to

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7. Meditation is not a physical exercise, It is listening beyond the Physical


8. I AM love, living in the NOW

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Thanks for reading my inspirational quotes that have been life changing. I wish you a wonderful life ahead and I hope you look at these quotes whenever you need inspirational words to bring that rush of confidence to face challenges you have set for yourself.

Wellnessworks has a library of Motivational Quotes to Live By.

Inspire yourself and share the inspirational quotes with your friends and family. Try and say one of the quotes to yourself every day and keep repeating them in your subconscious mind until you feel they are changing the world around you.


3 Responses

  1. These are awesome and wellquoted Rituu Jain…. Quotes that give me a connect to life for learning and earning a betterment..All are bful but the one that my wowed me is “Learn from the Trees.. How bfully they Let Go”.. Love It!

  2. Hi ritu, really delighted to read all the quotes. Is there a way I can make them my phone wallpaper? Keep writing and inspiring. ?

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