What are the Benefits of Indian Cow Milk?


Cow Milk is a major part of an Indian diet. From kids to elders to wrestlers to pregnant women, all have relied on Indian Cow Milk for nutritional value. The spiritual and nutritional benefits of Indian cow milk is known for centuries. As described in the ancient Ayurvedic texts, Indian or desi cow milk possess 7 properties – sweet, cooling, soft, dense, smooth, viscous, and pleasing. 

The health benefits of Indian cow milk completely depend on the breed of the cow it belongs to. Desi cow milk has a reputation for the healthiest milk to drink. It comes from an indigenous breed and the purest form of desi cow – the Gir Cow. This desi cow’s milk is rich in protein and calcium and is easily digestible.

Have you heard of A2 milk?   

A1 vs A2 Milk 

The major part of the milk produced in India by several organic farms comes from a crossbreed of Jersey and Holstein Friesians (HF) cows with Indian cows. These cows produce more milk than pure Indian breeds such as the Gir, Ongole, Sahiwal, and Tharparkar. 

Jersey and Holstein Friesians (HF) cows produce A1 milk, while the pure Indian breeds produce A2 milk. Traditionally, the milk from Indian cows is considered to have medicinal properties. 

India constitutes 64 different breeds of Indian native cows but with only 32 breeds alive. Each state has its own native cows that are well-adapt themselves to the climatic zones. These cows produce organic and pure milk as they are reared in a clean, and stress-free environment. 


What is A2 milk in Indian cows? 

Indian desi cow milk is made up of milk protein that consists of whey and caseins. Out of which the largest group of protein Beta-casein is found in milk. It makes up about 80% of the total protein content found in milk. 

Beta casein is a chain of 229 amino acids in length, present in A2 milk. Cows that produce 67 specific amino acids in their milk are generally known as A2 cows, i.e. the original breeds of cows. Furthermore, the A2 beta-casein milk proteins are broken down into peptides that make this kind of milk digestible. 

So, what is the difference between A1 and A2 milk?  

Regular milk contains both A1 and A2 beta-casein, but A2 milk only contains A2 beta-casein. Thus, many studies suggest that A1 milk is harmful and popularly called the “Devil in the Milk.”

Whereas, A2 milk is a safer and healthier choice. Even though, the amount of lactose found in A1 and A2 milk is the same, A2 milk has proven to cause less bloating after drinking it. 

7 Amazing Benefits of Indian Cow Milk

A2 milk in Indian cows is one of the most nutritional milk with the combination of Omega 3 fatty acid that is good for health. There are several health benefits of Indian Cow Milk.  

1. A2 Milk – A Complete Meal 

To begin with, the benefits of Indian Cow Milk; has a coolant effect on the body and is best to drink during the summers. The A2 milk is also sweet in taste. This milk has an array of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, that makes it a whole meal.  

Indian Cow milk contains ample protein that imparts enough strength to help in building body cells. It altogether contains 9 essential amino acids that strengthen your immune system and repair the damaged cells and tissues. Besides that, it nourishes the body tissues while acting as a natural aphrodisiac. 

When one is hungry, a big glass of milk suffices your hunger and leaves you feeling full.  Also, to build your immunity and prevent bacteria and infections from entering your body, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric to your milk to give an extra boost.  

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2. Strengthens Bones and Muscles 

We all know the benefits of Indian Cow milk – it contains maximum amount of calcium to help with the development of one’s bones and muscles. It keeps them strong, healthy, and definitely not fragile.  

Regular consumption of Indian cow milk helps to enhance your core and keeps the risk of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis at bay. Apart from calcium, Indian cow milk is also filled with Vitamin D, Magnesium and Phosphorus. This helps to relieve dizziness, tiredness and excessive thirst and hunger.  

Cow milk is a source of calcium that also takes care of your dental health and keeps your teeth and gums strong.

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3. Improves Brain Health

With the abundance presence of Vitamin B, Indian cow milk is an essential brain-food. It calms your nerves down helping to relieve anxiety and palpitations. The presence of magnesium in milk also helps to maintain a better sleep cycle.  

A2 milk also contains Vitamin B12 to improve your memory power, thus increasing intelligence as well as brain growth. This helps rejuvenates and enhances life expectancy too.  

The first food that a child has is mill because it plays a very important role in enhancing the brain development of a growing child. 

4. Maintains a Healthy Heart

Indian cow milk is considered as a healing food due to its medicinal properties. Loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, it helps in regulating and maintaining high blood pressure. A2 milk has an important acid called the Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) that controls and lowers the bad cholesterol. Thus, keeping your heart healthy and active. It protects your heart from any cardiovascular diseases. 

5. Helps in  Weight Loss

Due to the presence of healthy fat content in Indian cow’s milk, it helps to increase your metabolism and helps in weight loss. It also contains many beneficial hormones that keep your weight in check.  

Struggling with hunger pangs? Drink a glass of cold or hot milk and your tummy will be satisfied. Add it to a bowl of oats or cornflakes and you will be left feeling full and satiated.  

6. Reduces stress 

A warm glass of milk has a soothing and relaxing effect at the end of a tiring day. Milk helps to relax your stiff and tensed muscles. Drinking a hot cup of milk also works wonders to reduce the symptoms of PMS and boosts your energy levels.  

7. Glowing skin 

Taking baths in milk was not only a custom in some religions but women took milk baths to keep their skin soft and glowing. However, just drinking a glass of milk or applying milk as a face pack can give you a glowing and soft skin. This is due to the lactic acid present in the milk that acts as an exfoliant, while the enzymes work to smoothen the skin. Using milk on your face also keeps away acne and skin infections.  

In the old times, Cleopatra was known to take milk baths to keep her skin glowing and soft.  


Even though Indian Cow milk is nature’s perfect food with multiple health benefits, it completely depends on the body type of the individual and what kind of food suits them. Some of you religiously drink milk daily before going to bed for a sound sleep while some prefer it in the morning to feel energized. 

On the contrary, A1 milk should be avoided as studies indicate that drinking A1 milk during childhood increases your risk of type 1 diabetes, increased risk of heart disease, and depletes digestive health. 

Drink only organic cow milk from Indian or Desi cows.  

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