What are the Benefits of Indian Cow Milk?


Cow Milk is a major part of an Indian diet. From kids to elders to wrestlers to pregnant women, all have relied on Indian Cow Milk for nutritional value. The spiritual and nutritional benefits of Indian cow milk is known for centuries. As described in the ancient Ayurvedic texts, Indian or desi cow milk possess 7 properties […]

6 Precautions During Diwali Festival – Tips for Safety


Diwali is the festival of lights, a celebration that signifies the triumph of good over evil. It is a celebration of goodness, happiness, and prosperity. Even though this festival is beaming with lights and colours and delicious cuisines. It is very important to take safety precautions during Diwali.   To ensure a safe Diwali and not to forget an eco-friendly Diwali, […]