How to Choose the Right – Air Pollution Mask?


Before we understand how to choose the right air pollution mask, let’s gain knowledge of how air pollution affects our daily life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, over 3 million people die from outdoor pollution each year. However, we do need precautions to safeguard ourselves from the pollutants in the air we […]

What are the Benefits of Indian Cow Milk?


Cow Milk is a major part of an Indian diet. From kids to elders to wrestlers to pregnant women, all have relied on Indian Cow Milk for nutritional value. The spiritual and nutritional benefits of Indian cow milk is known for centuries. As described in the ancient Ayurvedic texts, Indian or desi cow milk possess 7 properties […]

6 Precautions During Diwali Festival – Tips for Safety


Diwali is the festival of lights, a celebration that signifies the triumph of good over evil. It is a celebration of goodness, happiness, and prosperity. Even though this festival is beaming with lights and colours and delicious cuisines. It is very important to take safety precautions during Diwali.   To ensure a safe Diwali and not to forget an eco-friendly Diwali, […]

Meaning of Namaste, Definition and its Roots in Vedic Literature

Meaning of Namaste, Namaste, Palms and Fingers together, Yoga, Yoga Poses, Namaskar, Pranamasana

Have you watched anyone bowing slightly, pressing their hands together, palms and fingers touching as they face each other, fingers pointing upwards with thumbs close to the chest? If yes, then you should know it is a form of greeting or leave-taking – called Namaste or Namaskaram.  It is an age-old Hindu custom. However, it […]

How to do Mindfulness Meditation – Steps and Technique


Mindfulness Meditation is two words that are mirror-like reflections of each other. They are usually mistaken for the same meaning. However, Mindfulness, as we all know, is being fully aware of the present moment. Noticing and paying attention to feelings, thoughts, behaviour, and emotions. It can be practised anywhere and everywhere by being fully present […]

7 Tips to Save Money for the Festive Season


The festive season is around the corner and it is time to buy gifts for your family and friends. But wait, are you worried that you will be spending too much and not save money for the festive season?  Festivities like all other celebrations come with a price. Yes, there is the thrill, excitement, and […]

5 Tips to Practice Yoga while Travelling – making it Irresistible


Whether you travel for Business or Pleasure – it takes a toll. It can be taxing both mentally and physically. There ought to be a great connect between Yoga and Travelling. No wonder, Instagram posts of most Yogis are filled with images of them practicing yoga while traveling. More and more travel destinations are equipped […]

Mary Kom Quotes – Famous Inspirational Sports Quotes


Mary Kom Quotes, Life, Medals and Awards Chungneijang Mary Kom Hmangte (born March 1st 1983) is a living legend and Indian Olympic Boxer from Manipur. Mary Kom was nicknamed ‘Magnificient Mary’ being the only woman boxer to qualify for the Summer Olympics. Also, she is the only woman boxer who won a medal in each […]

Crying has its Benefits – Do you know the Reason Why?


When I think of my first memories of crying – I recall sibling fights with Grandma intervening to say “Boys don’t cry” or “Take it like a man.” Little did I know back then that shedding tears has its benefits. Do you know, women have six times prolactin – a hormone related to crying than […]

Michael Jordan Quotes – Famous Inspirational Sports Quotes


Michael Jordan Quotes and Life Facts Michael Jordan was born on 17th February 1963 in New York after which his family moved to Carolina when he was just a toddler. Achievements: He is a former American legend in playing Basketball. He is also the principal owner of the Charlotte Hornets of the National Basketball Association […]