How Meditation Changes the Brain – Studies and Facts


Did you know that the human brain has 80 to 100 million neurons?  These neurons form thousands of connections with other neurons to enable your brain cells to communicate with each other. Thus, it the brain who helps us to stay alive, communicate, think and perceive everything around us. “The best tool for neurogenesis (growth […]

10 Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation


Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is the ‘Ultimate Asana’, ‘King of all Poses’ and an ancient discipline known to express gratitude to the Sun – our source of life. The practice of 12 poses combined in one called Surya Namaskar benefits your body and mind internally and externally. It is a complete workout that helps […]

Why do we need Houseplants – The Science Behind


Houseplants are attractive and alluring whether they grow at home, indoor gardens, workplaces or at public spaces. You don’t have to be an environmental psychologist to feel the vibrant energetic vibes of plants and how they make you feel relaxed and one with nature. House plants not only add visual beauty but also have positive […]

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) for Beginners – Must know Facts


In this article, I will tell you all about Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar for beginners. Before we start, let’s understand in detail about Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation.  Surya Namaskar is the King of all Poses as it has 12 different poses or asanas as one complete workout. Each of the 12 poses of […]

Link between Financial Stress and Ageing


New research and studies have found that stress especially if it is due to financial reasons – affects health, both physically and mentally. As we all know stress causes pre-mature ageing – there is a strong connection found between Financial stress and Aging. Scientific studies proclaim ‘stressing over money causes you to look a decade […]

How to do Mantra Meditation Chanting and Types of Chants


The first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Meditation is – sitting with your legs folded and eyes closed, breathing in and out slowly and feeling a sense of calm. But did you know that meditation becomes a deeper experience if it is practised as a natural progression to Mantra […]

8 Proven Benefits of Green Tea for Hair and Skin


Benefits of Green Tea are due to the fact that it is one of the most popular drinks worldwide yet is sugarfree. It is a true tea that is least processed and offers an earthy aroma and flavour. Green tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant that contains catechins, known to have scientifically proven health benefits, especially for […]

Sedentary Lifestyle: Statistics, Effects and Solutions


Thanks to the convenience of technology, each one of us is living a sedentary lifestyle. Either stuck behind a desk job or just lazing on our couches watching our favorite TV series back to back.   The sedentary lifestyle effects on the health of our body and mind are real. Most of the health-related issues […]

Dengue Fever – Symptoms Treatment and Prevention


Dengue Fever (correctly pronounced as DEN-GEE) has been on a rise over the past few years across 100 countries around the world. They are most prevalent in the tropical areas of the world such as South America, India, Southern China, Africa, and Southeast Asia.  40% of the population reside in these areas, that is about […]

Yoga and Diabetes – Poses to Cure and Prevent Type 1 and 2 Diabetes


Diabetes, as we know is spreading and growing at a faster rate. Everyone leading a sedentary lifestyle with no regular physical activity and overindulging in sugar and high-fat food mostly ends up with diabetes. As we know, yoga is the cure to many health-related problems. Yoga and Diabetes go hand in hand in helping you […]