What are 7 Chakras and how to balance unblock chakras

What are the 7 Chakras? Your bodies comprise 7 Chakras or wheels located at different centres in the body. To keep alive, active and in good health – the free flow of life energy or Prana through all the 7 Chakras is essential. Moreover, the Chakras are responsible for keeping your body connected with the […]
Pranayam Part 2 Anulom Vilom easy breathing exercise for calm relaxation

Anulom Vilom Prāṇāyāma (अनुलोम विलोम प्राणायाम) or alternate nostril breathing is today considered one of the best techniques to handle stress, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental pressures. It is easy to practice an ancient yoga deep breathing technique as you stay home and practice with me Anuloma Vilom entails inhaling through one nostril while […]
Pranayama Part 1 Easy Deep Breathing exercises strengthen immune system

#pranayama #deepbreathing #immunity #covid19 Deep Breathing or Full Yogic Breath is a body and mind balancing Pranayama. Process Sit in a comfortable position on the floor or on a chair feet on the floor watch your breath as to enters and leave your body. PLace you right palm just below your navel Left palm on […]
Coronavirus? Which Mask Will Actually Protect Against Virus attack

As the Coronavirus spreads is it sensible to wear a mask? Which mask will actually protect against virus attack – is the question millions across the world are asking today. Let’s look at the logic. There are specific masks that are effective at capturing droplets, which is the main route of transmission for the […]
How to do the Headstand? What are the benefits of Sirsasana?

Sirsasana also is known as the headstand pose which is practised as the first asana, after Pranayama and Surya Namaskar. It is one of the main postures in Hatha Yoga. Sirsasana is regarded as the ‘King’ of all 84,000 different asanas present in the Yoga book. “Being in shape is not Yoga. Paying attention to what […]
How to do Sarvangasana? Shoulder Stand Steps Benefits and Common Mistakes

Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana : There has always been a hype about the Headstand posture (Sirsasana) which is also known as the ‘King’ of all yoga asanas. There is no doubt about its reference because it offers magical benefits to your body. However, there is another yoga asana referred to as ‘Queen’ or ‘mother’ of all […]
Anger Management How to control your Anger

What do I do when I am angry? If there is one thing that I’ve learnt about anger its, control it before it takes control of you! Essentially anger management. So what do I do when I’m angry? The key to that is in my understanding the anger. Over 4 decades plus I have learnt […]
Yoga History Origin and Types of Yoga

Yoga History Origin and Types of Yoga has been an area of interest increasing rapidly worldwide due to the spread of its awareness in all cultures. “Yogas chitta vritti nirodha” (“Yoga is the neutralization of the vortices of feeling.”) —Patanjali Yoga – is an art or practice of discipline and an integral part of the […]
Managing and Curing diabetes You can begin today

However, Start Curing diabetes today-change how you feel emotionally Managing and Curing diabetes. You can begin today! Do you have diabetes? Do you wish you didn’t have to worry about daily sugar levels? Currently, there are 450 million like you. Managing and Curing diabetes is all about regulating the sweetness in your life. Diabetes is […]
Fighting pollution with smart smog solutions

Smart smog solutions are an easy way to fight pollution. In fighting pollution with smart smog solutions, we first need to understand the varied methodology to breathe easy even if there is hazardous pollution. According to 2016, the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) over a quarter of the world’s population breathes heavily polluted air. Here are […]