How to do the 12 Basic Yoga Postures: Names, Steps, Pictures, Benefits


What are the 12 Basic Yoga Poses (Asanas), especially for beginners – is one of the most asked questions each year before the World Yoga Day celebrated on 21st Jun. So, here I have compiled the 12 Basic Yoga Poses for all our readers from across the globe and for all of you who want […]

6 Easy Yoga Poses (Asanas) for Digestion and Bloating


Yoga Poses for Digestion; Stress and digestive problems, in today’s time, are on the rise – either due to eating too quickly or eating too much due to emotional stress. As a result, this has led to an increased rate of digestive problems – bloating, gastrointestinal disorder, indigestion, acidity, and constipation – that have surprisingly become […]

5 Yoga Poses (Asanas) for Back Pain Relief – Most Effective Exercises

Childs Pose in Yoga, Yoga Poses, wellbeing, Childs Pose, Yoga Poses, Yoga Asanas, Yiga 101, Yoga Poses Images

Many yoga poses (asanas) are designed especially for back pain relief. Yoga Poses benefits the back by lengthening your spine, as well as stretching and strengthening your back muscles. It holds true even for those who are yoga beginners or clueless about yoga but have chronic aches and occasional back pain. Besides that, yoga eases […]

How to sit in Meditation Postures – Cross-legged or on a Chair


‘Meditation’ and an increased interest in ‘How to Do it’ are seen in the Millenials. One of the most asked questions, when I conduct meditation classes, is – “How should one sit in meditation postures?” I receive innumerable requests from my Social Media followers looking for an answer to “What is the correct sitting posture […]

What Yoga poses are good for Knee Pain


During my association with Sivananda Yoga Ashram recently for a few months – I met strong groups of people practicing Warrior Pose and the Pyramid Pose of Yoga. I observed that a lot of people complain of knee pain or some had knee pain who underwent knee surgery and couldn’t do certain poses. The people […]

Bridge Pose Steps and Benefits of Setu Bandhasana

Bridge Pose Images, bridge pose steps, Setu Bandhasana Images, Yoga Poses, Bridge Pose in Yoga, Brisge Pose Muscles Worked, Yoga 101, Yoga Postures, bridge pose steps, bridge pose beenfits, bridge pose yoga benefits, wellnessworks, yoga101

Bridge Pose or Setu Bandhasana To put in perspective, long working hours and prolonged state of idleness or laziness have led to one of the biggest health distress of this age – the dreadful back pain. Back issues arise due to a host of factors, but it is usually the wrong posture or lack of […]

How to do the Headstand? What are the benefits of Sirsasana?

Yoga Poses, wellbeing, Sirasana, Sirasana for beginners, Sirasana procedure, Sirasana spiritual benefits, How to do a headstand, Headstand for beginners, Are headstands bad for you, Yoga headstand poses names, Headstand Sequence, Sirsha asana, Headstand benefits how long, Sirasnana 2, Salamba sirasana, yoga 101, Best-time-to-do-Sirsasana, Can-we-do-Headstand-in-Evening,

Sirsasana also is known as the headstand pose which is practised as the first asana, after Pranayama and Surya Namaskar. It is one of the main postures in Hatha Yoga. Sirsasana is regarded as the ‘King’ of all 84,000 different asanas present in the Yoga book. “Being in shape is not Yoga. Paying attention to what […]

How to do Sarvangasana? Shoulder Stand Steps Benefits and Common Mistakes

shoulder stand yoga, shoulder stand pose, shoulder stand benefits, shoulder stand pose yoga, shoulder stand muscles used, shoulder stand sequence, yoga poses, shoulder stand images, yoga 101

Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana : There has always been a hype about the Headstand posture (Sirsasana) which is also known as the ‘King’ of all yoga asanas. There is no doubt about its reference because it offers magical benefits to your body. However, there is another yoga asana referred to as ‘Queen’ or ‘mother’ of all […]

Yoga or gym – Which is better?

Yoga vs Gym, benefits of yoga, reasons why yoga is better than the gym, what are the benefits of yoga that a gym doesn’t have, what is yoga, who yoga over gym, yoga, yoga or gym, gym, yoga 101, wellness, wellnessworks

Yoga or gym – Which is better? Can you get fit doing Yoga?  Is yoga as good as weight training?  How long does it take to see results from Yoga?  Yoga or Gym is a question often asked. For a healthy body, staying fit is imperative – by enjoying the benefits of physical activities. Physical activities […]

Yoga or Gym – What is better?

Yoga vs Gym, benefits of yoga, reasons why yoga is better than the gym, what are the benefits of yoga that a gym doesn’t have, what is yoga, who yoga over gym, yoga, yoga or gym, gym, yoga 101, wellness, wellnessworks

Yoga or gym – Which is better? Can you get fit doing Yoga?  Is yoga as good as weight training?  How long does it take to see results from Yoga?  Yoga or Gym is a question often asked. For a healthy body, staying fit is imperative – by enjoying the benefits of physical activities. Physical activities […]