How to do the Lotus Pose (Padmasana) – Steps, Precautions, Variations
Lotus Pose or Padmasana is one of the most important of all yoga postures. By practising this posture your hips, knees and ankles start to loosen up and become flexible. It helps rejuvenate the nerves by allowing more blood to flow easily in your thighs and legs. Sitting in Padmasana (Lotus Position) also tones your […]
How to sit in Meditation Postures – Cross-legged or on a Chair
‘Meditation’ and an increased interest in ‘How to Do it’ are seen in the Millenials. One of the most asked questions, when I conduct meditation classes, is – “How should one sit in meditation postures?” I receive innumerable requests from my Social Media followers looking for an answer to “What is the correct sitting posture […]