17 Powerful Money Quotes – to Grow Rich

Money is extremely important if not everything in life. It is a way to have freedom of choice, to pursue a lifestyle of your choice, lovely things, sometimes wealth can also buy happiness. In case there is a crisis and you don’t have enough – your happiness becomes limited. Thus, let us learn how to […]
Zig Ziglar Quotes on Love Fear and Success

Zig Ziglar Quotes on Love Fear Success and Much more…. Zig Ziglar is one of the most powerful and popular motivational speakers. He was born in Alabama in the year 1926 and died in 2012. His real name is Hilary Hinton Ziglar – yet you will seldom hear anyone call him by that name. His […]
10 Money Affirmations to become a Money Magnet

The most obvious reason why money affirmations are practised is to become a Money Magnet. Practising money affirmations is the most effective process to succeed in life. You want to “Make More Money” or are looking for answers to “How to become RICH.” Right? You are at the right place at the right time! How […]