Brian Weiss Quotes Past-Life Regression

This collection of Dr Brain Weiss Quotes are part of the good doctor’s body of work as past life regression and reincarnation therapist. He has inspired millions across the world who are new to this area of healing I count my self among those millions. Dr Brian Weiss Quotes Past-Life regression has always fascinated me […]
Inspirational Quotes by Ritu Jain-1

Inspirational quotes are of great value when you are going through that difficult life phase where you want to cling to one ‘saying’ or ‘thought’ like the last straw. I started noting down inspirational quotes way back in the 80s when I was a teenager, writing every inspiring line I read, in a grey coloured […]
Love quotes by Denzil Oconnell

Denzil Oconnell through his Wellness Works Love quotes gives expression to the different feelings of love. Through these quotes express your feelings that truly convey all your hearts deepest and purest feelings. The best and the worst thing about love is that it is hard to express in words. Our quotes speak of the strong […]
Inspirational Quotes 1 Denzil Oconnell

Through word well Denzil shares with you a collection of inspirational quotes, positive thoughts to encourage and uplift with words on life, love, success to motivate and inspire. They say “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning.” That is exactly what I aim to do by sharing […]