6 Ways Physical Activity Affects your Heart Health


Physical activity for heart is the best way to keep your body and mind healthy. Heart disease has become one of the most common causes of death worldwide.  In the United States alone, Cardiovascular disease accounts for 25% of deaths each year. This has gradually increased over the years because of a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy […]

How to Detox from Social Media Addiction – Psychologically


The Social Media Addiction bug has not only bitten the millennial but also people of all age. Social Media was created by us for the purpose of building relationships, networks, and businesses It is here to improve our lives, to spread awareness and knowledge to everyone around the globe.  Having said that, there are mixed […]

7 Ways to Overcome Unemployment and Job Loss Effectively


Losing a job especially for no fault of your own is one of life’s most stressful experiences. It is normal to feel angry, hurt, depressed or grieve for all that you have lost.  Or be bogged down with anxiety about what the future holds. Job loss and unemployment involve a lot of change. This can […]

What are the Advantages of Social Media for Students?


Social Media is the new age communication, learning tool,  information sources, and networking tool for many young students and entrepreneurs. There have been massive debates on whether social media is a good or bad influence on youth. Today, through this blog let’s just focus on the positives since everyone is focusing on the negatives.  9 […]

Why is Laughter Contagious – A Study


“Laughter is the best medicine.” This is one prescription that everyone abides by. Laughing brings joy and happiness in your life. It uplifts your mood more than a piece of chocolate would do. This is my observation, so don’t judge me.  However, there is confusion about if laughter is infectious or contagious? We often tell […]

7 Step Guide to Forest Bathing: Amazing Healing Power of Nature


Have you ever heard of “Forest Bathing” or “Forest Therapy”?  I know the first thing that pops in your mind is having a bath in the forest. Well, I thought the same. However, Forest Bathing is a healing therapy with nature. It started in Japan during the 1980s known as  ‘Shinrin-yoku’, a term that means “taking […]

7 Effective Tips to Stop Overthinking and Start Living


Do you know how many thoughts an average human brain thinks per day?  Well, the answer is: National Science Foundation published an article in 2005 stating that as per research an average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Out of these, it was found 80% of the thoughts were negative ad 95% were […]

8 Medically Proven Health Benefits of Cinnamon


Cinnamon or Daalchini is a known spice with an earthy aroma and pungent flavor. Traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medical practitioners have been using cinnamon for centuries.  The use of cinnamon (cinnamon) also goes way back as far as Ancient Egypt. It was considered a rare and valuable gift, especially for the Kings.   The truest […]

How to Know what you feel is Self-Love or Selfish?


You often feel stuck between the everyday routine of waking up, studying, eating, traveling, meeting deadlines, and many other little things, you forget to cater to the needs of one person – YOU. The one thing missing from your life and the answer to many problems is Self-love.   Many of you confuse self-love with being […]

11 Ways to Avoid Catching a Cold This Season


With the onset of monsoon and viral in the air, it is hard to avoid cold, cough and flu. A weak body and mind can slow down your daily activity adding more stress in your life. However, there are a number of ways to keep flu at bay and avoid cold from hampering your daily […]