How to do Kapalabhati Pranayama and its Benefits in Yoga – Skull Shining Techniques

Skull Shining Breathing, Skull Shining Breathing Techniques, Kapalbhati, Kapalbhati Pranayam, Kapalbhati breathing, kapalbhati images, kapalbhati asan, kapalbhati steps, kapalbhati prayaman images, yoga poses, yoga benefits, yoga 101, yoga

As you know, Yoga is all about meditation and stretching of your body in different forms. Popular yoga poses like Kapalabhati Pranayama, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Bhujang asana (Cobra Pose),  Dhanur asana (Bow Pose), and countless other effective yoga asanas help in reducing your weight as well as keeping your stress at bay.  In this article, I will be talking […]

How to do Anulom Vilom (Nadi Shodhan) Pranayama Alternate Nostril Breathing


The two main breathing (Pranayama) yoga practices are Kapalabhati and Anuloma Viloma or Nadi Shodhan (Alternate Nostril).  Yoga has two main breathing practises that you should do before you begin any basic Yoga Pose/Asana. This will help you to do any pose with ease.  Even though Surya Namaskar or Sun salutation is a complete body […]

Bridge Pose Steps and Benefits of Setu Bandhasana

Bridge Pose Images, bridge pose steps, Setu Bandhasana Images, Yoga Poses, Bridge Pose in Yoga, Brisge Pose Muscles Worked, Yoga 101, Yoga Postures, bridge pose steps, bridge pose beenfits, bridge pose yoga benefits, wellnessworks, yoga101

Bridge Pose or Setu Bandhasana To put in perspective, long working hours and prolonged state of idleness or laziness have led to one of the biggest health distress of this age – the dreadful back pain. Back issues arise due to a host of factors, but it is usually the wrong posture or lack of […]

Fish Pose or Matsayasana with Steps and Benefits in Yoga

fish pose, fish pose yoga, fish pose images, fish pose benefits, matsayasana fish pose, matsayasana benefits, matsayasana pose, matsayasana steps, matsayasana in hindi, yoga poses, yoga 101, wellnessworks

The Sanskrit word ‘Matsya’ means ‘fish’ thus, known as  Matsyasana or the Fish Pose. Matsayasana Posture in Yoga is carried out in the water, allows the body to float easily like that of a fish.   According to Hindu mythology, Matsya was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who appeared to save the sages and maintain a balance between the […]

How to do the Plow Pose Halasana and its Benefits in Yoga

Plow Pose, Plough Pose, Yoga Poses, wellbeing, halasana, Plow Pose in Yoga, halasana in Yoga, benefits of halasana, Plow pose benefits, Plow pose step by step guide, yoga, yoga 101

The Plow Pose (plough pose), Halasana is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Hala’ which means ‘Plough’. It is named so because the final pose resembles the plough (plow), a piece of agricultural equipment typically used in Tibet and India. The equipment that is used to prepare the soil for sowing crops. Symbolically, the plough (plow) is represented […]

How to do the Headstand? What are the benefits of Sirsasana?

Yoga Poses, wellbeing, Sirasana, Sirasana for beginners, Sirasana procedure, Sirasana spiritual benefits, How to do a headstand, Headstand for beginners, Are headstands bad for you, Yoga headstand poses names, Headstand Sequence, Sirsha asana, Headstand benefits how long, Sirasnana 2, Salamba sirasana, yoga 101, Best-time-to-do-Sirsasana, Can-we-do-Headstand-in-Evening,

Sirsasana also is known as the headstand pose which is practised as the first asana, after Pranayama and Surya Namaskar. It is one of the main postures in Hatha Yoga. Sirsasana is regarded as the ‘King’ of all 84,000 different asanas present in the Yoga book. “Being in shape is not Yoga. Paying attention to what […]

How to do Sarvangasana? Shoulder Stand Steps Benefits and Common Mistakes

shoulder stand yoga, shoulder stand pose, shoulder stand benefits, shoulder stand pose yoga, shoulder stand muscles used, shoulder stand sequence, yoga poses, shoulder stand images, yoga 101

Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana : There has always been a hype about the Headstand posture (Sirsasana) which is also known as the ‘King’ of all yoga asanas. There is no doubt about its reference because it offers magical benefits to your body. However, there is another yoga asana referred to as ‘Queen’ or ‘mother’ of all […]

10 Health Benefits of Yoga

How does Yoga keep the joint strong, Yoga and Joints, Yoga and cartilage, Yoga, Yoga Poses, benefits of yoga,wellness,mindfulness,wellnessworks, childs-pose

Benefits of Yoga are often misunderstood! However, I am sure you must know that Yoga is good for you. Some of you may have tried it and continue to do so. I believe, not all of you may have a liking towards this form of discipline! You are ignorant if you don’t realise that consistent […]

Yoga History Origin and Types of Yoga

Yoga History Origin and Types of Yoga, Yoga History Origin and Types of Yoga Yoga History Origin and Types of Yoga, Yoga, International Yoga Day, Types of Yoga, What is Patanjali, Father of Yoga, Origin of Yoga, Surya Namaskar, Yoga Asanas, Yoga Poses, Principles of Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Gyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Pranayam, When did Yoga begin

Yoga History Origin and Types of Yoga has been an area of interest increasing rapidly worldwide due to the spread of its awareness in all cultures.  “Yogas chitta vritti nirodha” (“Yoga is the neutralization of the vortices of feeling.”)  —Patanjali Yoga – is an art or practice of discipline and an integral part of the […]

How to do Surya Namaskar the King of Yoga Poses – Sun Salutation Steps


Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is the king of Yoga poses. Thus, how to do Surya Namaskar the traditional way is key to its benefits. The ancient yogis taught that the different parts of the body are governed by different devas or divine impulses of light the best yoga exercise or pose to energise these […]