12 Steps on How to do Meditation for Beginners – By Swami Sivananda
What is Meditation? A lot has been written and spoken on meditation, however you actually require a very long time to understand the true meaning of meditation. It is best to understand it as you understand sleeping. As you cannot teach ‘sleeping’ – so is ‘meditation.’ You sleep when you are in a suitable conditions […]
20 Important Spiritual Instructions by Sri Swami Sivananda
Sri Swami Sivananda explained twenty important spiritual instructions containing the following: The Essence of Meditation (Sadhana) Deeds (Karma) Devotion (Bhakti) Spiritual Knowledge (Jnana) Yoga to control your Mind and Emotions (Raja Yoga) You will find the spiritual rules keys to effective development of the mental, moral, physical and spiritual self of humanity. However, they will […]