12 Fun Ways of Teaching Mindfulness Games to Kids

teaching-mindfulness-to-kids, teaching-mindfulness, kids-mindfulness-games

Teaching Mindfulness to kids is the best way to help them face societal and social media intrusion. Kids today are overstressed and exhausted and forget to live in the moment without the knowhow on how to handle their emotions. Thus, mindfulness games are used as a tool to make kids be present in the now, develop […]

What is Mindfulness? Benefits of Mindfulness

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What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is becoming fully aware of every moment in regard to who we are, our feelings, our breath, thoughts, circumstances, the environment and our body. It is simply living fully in the moment by becoming willfully conscious and building awareness.  Mindfulness Practice is : “Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, […]

How does intermittent fasting help in Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting for weight loss, intermittent fasting for weight loss plan, intermittent fasting 16/8, intermittent fasting results, intermittent fasting, fasting, fasting 16/8, drink during intermittent fasting, how to intermittent fasting, healthy body, mindfulness

One of the easiest and effective ways to shed out body fat is the process of Intermittent Fasting. The first aspect to understand is that Intermittent Fasting has nothing to do with ‘dieting’. You have at your disposal an open pantry. Eat whatever you want as long as the quantities suit your goals.  “Intermittent fasting is […]

Slow Down – Take Notice – Practice Mindfulness


Mindfulness Helps Reduce Stress Over the past few days, I have been told to slow down on more than one occasion. Words like you are walking too fast or speak slowly you talk too fast to understand. You’ve finished eating did you just swallow your meal in one go. The last one that I heard […]