Healthy Eating Habits – The Ayurvedic Way

Healthy Eating Habits, Ayurvedic Diet Rules, ayurvedic eating Rules

Ayurvedic rules emphasize on healthy eating habits – and these start with metabolism and digestion. The knowledge of eating intelligently is to be obtained for eating wisely all your life. “As long as we are not living in harmony with nature and our constitution, we cannot expect ourselves to be really healed. Ayurveda gives us […]

7 Benefits of Home Cooking Vs Eating Out

benefits of home cooking, home cooking, eating healthy, 30 minute meals, meal planning, cooking at home, couple cooking, wellness, mindful cooking

When I was six years old, I often found myself in the kitchen watching my mother cook up a storm for the family. It fascinated me how she would multi-task and be able to cook so many dishes in much less time. After cooking, she would look relaxed and not tired, even so, a bit […]