Ayurvedic Body Type: Find Your Dosha

Blog Ayurveda, Dosha Body Type, Ayurvedic Body Type, Ayurvedic dosha system, Ayurvedic health, Doshas, Find your dosha, Imbalance in doshas, kapha dosha, natural healing, pitta dosha, vata dosha, vata pitta kapha, ayurveda and your body, body type, ayurveda 101, vata images, kapha images, Pitta images, Dosha images, wellness, wellnessworks

Dosha –  what does it mean?  What is your Ayurveda Body Type? What is Kapha, Vata and Pitta?  According to ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda, each of us has a unique mix of three mind and body energies. These three energy forms are referred to as our Dosha. Based on ancient research the sages of yore […]

5 Easy ways to stay healthy

Easy ways to stay healthy watch what you eat and drink

Easy Tips to good health Care for your body and it will care for you is my theory on health in general.   This has evolved over time.   Along the way, I fell for many a punishing diet and ‘lose those inches plan’ only to quit later.   Somewhere along the way came the […]