How does intermittent fasting help in Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting for weight loss, intermittent fasting for weight loss plan, intermittent fasting 16/8, intermittent fasting results, intermittent fasting, fasting, fasting 16/8, drink during intermittent fasting, how to intermittent fasting, healthy body, mindfulness

One of the easiest and effective ways to shed out body fat is the process of Intermittent Fasting. The first aspect to understand is that Intermittent Fasting has nothing to do with ‘dieting’. You have at your disposal an open pantry. Eat whatever you want as long as the quantities suit your goals.  “Intermittent fasting is […]

7 Ayurvedic Superfoods Ideal for Every Day Diet

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Ayurvedic superfoods have a mention in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine. According to Ayurvedic science, every human body is made up of three Doshas –  Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.  According to Ayurveda, keeping a note of ‘Ahar’ (your daily dietary habits in Ayurveda) is very important. Also, the food you eat should consist […]

5 Ways to Design a Creative Office Workspace

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Do you feel that your workspace is boring and dull? Does your office space make you feel sleepy and unproductive? Is your workplace lacking creativity?  Environment and surroundings have a major impact on your productivity. How you work highly depends on where you work. When your workspace makes you feel dull, bored, unproductive, lazy, and less confident, then, […]

Yoga Poses to Improve Bad Posture at Work

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Sit Straight! Why are you slouching? Straighten up your back? I am sure you have heard all of this before from your family, teachers or friends.   Struggling with poor posture? Well, if you slouch and hunch all day, you are bound to have a poor posture. Especially if your job makes you sit for long […]

How to fix Bad Posture at Work

Tips to fix poor posture, Poor Posture Symptoms, poor posture correction, poor posture treatment and how to fix poor posture, how to improve posture, poor posture effects, bad posture, Improve posture, posture at work, how to fix bad posture, healthy body, wellnessworks, mindfulness

How to Fix Poor Posture at Work? Are you experiencing a backache? You often wonder what you are doing wrong that is causing the pain. You wish you could go and get your neck massaged as it is very stiff. Don’t know how to avoid it since your job requires 10-12 hours of sitting in […]

Low Estrogen – Symptoms Causes Treatment

Low estrogen symptoms, Estrogen deficiency, Low estrogen treatment, Causes of low estrogen in 30s, Low estrogen causes, Symptoms of low, estrogen levels after menopause, low estrogen symtoms list, low estrogen symptoms perimenopasue, low estrogen levels, low estrogen, Low Estrogen Symptoms Causes Treatment Identification, Low Estrogen Identification, Estrogen level, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Estrogen therapy, HRT, ET, Healthy Body, wellness

Have you ever heard of low estrogen levels and how it affects a woman’s body? You often see a woman acting all crazy, being cranky, moody and grumpy or crying for no reason and easily label it as “Oh, I think it is that time of the month.”  These words drive every woman mad. What […]

How is Gratitude Life Changing – The Science Behind

gratitude, Importance of gratitude in life, how to practice gratitude, the power of gratitude, being grateful, science of gratitude, Gratitude journal, Gratitude article, Short story about gratitude, Thankfulness and gratitude, article on gratitude, practicing gratitude exercises, Be grateful for what you have

“What’s the point of crying over spilled milk.” You must have often heard people say that and Yes, it is true! Self-pity can be undermining yourself to a level where you are unable to see any other perspective. It sucks you into an endless abyss. The easiest and most simple way to get out of […]

7 Benefits of Home Cooking Vs Eating Out

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When I was six years old, I often found myself in the kitchen watching my mother cook up a storm for the family. It fascinated me how she would multi-task and be able to cook so many dishes in much less time. After cooking, she would look relaxed and not tired, even so, a bit […]

How to do Kapalabhati Pranayama and its Benefits in Yoga – Skull Shining Techniques

Skull Shining Breathing, Skull Shining Breathing Techniques, Kapalbhati, Kapalbhati Pranayam, Kapalbhati breathing, kapalbhati images, kapalbhati asan, kapalbhati steps, kapalbhati prayaman images, yoga poses, yoga benefits, yoga 101, yoga

As you know, Yoga is all about meditation and stretching of your body in different forms. Popular yoga poses like Kapalabhati Pranayama, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Bhujang asana (Cobra Pose),  Dhanur asana (Bow Pose), and countless other effective yoga asanas help in reducing your weight as well as keeping your stress at bay.  In this article, I will be talking […]

How to do Anulom Vilom (Nadi Shodhan) Pranayama Alternate Nostril Breathing


The two main breathing (Pranayama) yoga practices are Kapalabhati and Anuloma Viloma or Nadi Shodhan (Alternate Nostril).  Yoga has two main breathing practises that you should do before you begin any basic Yoga Pose/Asana. This will help you to do any pose with ease.  Even though Surya Namaskar or Sun salutation is a complete body […]