Habits in the forming

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How to Build Good Habits It takes habit to build or break a habit. Through my life, I’v fought with habits some of which were formed in the early years. From biting my nails when I was nervous, to midnight food binges and the big one for me – lying constantly – I’ve done it […]

5 simple habits for the New Year

blog-simple habits for the New Year

Follow these simple habits for the New Year, resolutions  that you can stick to Before you know it another filled to the brim year has passed us by. With each passing year my, life seems to fill up a little more. More attractions and distractions, more bills to pay more loans to repay more work […]

11 Proven Ways to Boost Immune System and Prevent Cold and Flu

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With spring in the air bringing in lots of pollens in the air – the chances of one catching the cold and flu are ten-times more. The best way is to prevent cold and flu is to Boost your Immune System.  A weak body and mind slow you down – thus adding stress to your […]

10 Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid in your 20s


Common Financial mistakes are usually made due to habits, or peer and social pressures. Being in your 20s can be a very challenging time in your life especially financially.  Your desire to climb the success ladder very soon and spending mindlessly leads to serious financial pitfalls. This period is where the real responsibilities kick in […]

The Psychology of Honesty and Dishonesty


Honesty – is the human quality of communicating and acting truthful and with fairness, as best one is able. It is related to truth as a value. This includes listening, reasoning and any actions in human repertoire – as well as speaking. In other words Honesty is simply telling the truth. Honesty to ones own […]

11 Ways to Avoid Catching a Cold This Season


With the onset of monsoon and viral in the air, it is hard to avoid cold, cough and flu. A weak body and mind can slow down your daily activity adding more stress in your life. However, there are a number of ways to keep flu at bay and avoid cold from hampering your daily […]

20 Important Spiritual Instructions by Sri Swami Sivananda


Sri Swami Sivananda explained twenty important spiritual instructions containing the following: The Essence of Meditation (Sadhana) Deeds (Karma) Devotion (Bhakti) Spiritual Knowledge (Jnana) Yoga to control your Mind and Emotions (Raja Yoga) You will find the spiritual rules keys to effective development of the mental, moral, physical and spiritual self of humanity. However, they will […]

Yoga Nidra Benefits I Yoga Nidra for Sleep I Scientific Benefits

Yoga Nidra Benefits Yoga Nidra Meditation Yoga for Sleep Images Advantages of Yoga Nidra Savasana Corpse Pose

Yoga Nidra Benefits Yoga Nidra is my magic potion for sleep. Let me tell you why! I am 29 years old my name is Daniel and I’m a content writer. In the past long working hours caused me tiredness, anxiety and worry. I went from pillar to post for a solution until a friend said, […]

How to prepare for Yoga? How to start Yoga at home


Before we start Yoga Poses let us first understand how to prepare for Yoga at home and what are the prerequisites to start the practice.  A lot of people follow religious leaders without really knowing the purpose of life. Only satisfied with the rituals and traditions. Yoga imparts practical and scientific techniques to find the […]

How to do the 12 Basic Yoga Postures: Names, Steps, Pictures, Benefits


What are the 12 Basic Yoga Poses (Asanas), especially for beginners – is one of the most asked questions each year before the World Yoga Day celebrated on 21st Jun. So, here I have compiled the 12 Basic Yoga Poses for all our readers from across the globe and for all of you who want […]