Meaning of Namaste, Definition and its Roots in Vedic Literature

Meaning of Namaste, Namaste, Palms and Fingers together, Yoga, Yoga Poses, Namaskar, Pranamasana

Have you watched anyone bowing slightly, pressing their hands together, palms and fingers touching as they face each other, fingers pointing upwards with thumbs close to the chest? If yes, then you should know it is a form of greeting or leave-taking – called Namaste or Namaskaram.  It is an age-old Hindu custom. However, it […]

Yoga or gym – Which is better?

Yoga vs Gym, benefits of yoga, reasons why yoga is better than the gym, what are the benefits of yoga that a gym doesn’t have, what is yoga, who yoga over gym, yoga, yoga or gym, gym, yoga 101, wellness, wellnessworks

Yoga or gym – Which is better? Can you get fit doing Yoga?  Is yoga as good as weight training?  How long does it take to see results from Yoga?  Yoga or Gym is a question often asked. For a healthy body, staying fit is imperative – by enjoying the benefits of physical activities. Physical activities […]

Yoga or Gym – What is better?

Yoga vs Gym, benefits of yoga, reasons why yoga is better than the gym, what are the benefits of yoga that a gym doesn’t have, what is yoga, who yoga over gym, yoga, yoga or gym, gym, yoga 101, wellness, wellnessworks

Yoga or gym – Which is better? Can you get fit doing Yoga?  Is yoga as good as weight training?  How long does it take to see results from Yoga?  Yoga or Gym is a question often asked. For a healthy body, staying fit is imperative – by enjoying the benefits of physical activities. Physical activities […]